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What is Seed Cycling? Effect on Hormonal Imbalance

Writer's picture: Meenu BalajiMeenu Balaji

Updated: Jan 9

Hormonal issues like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) have become common in Indian women nowadays.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

1 in every 3 women that I work with has hormonal imbalances which causes irregular periods. If you have a hormonal imbalance, you might experience these symptoms:

  • Weight gain

  • Central obesity 

  • Acne

  • Skin tags

  • Hair thinning

  • Hair loss

  • Irregular periods

  • Heavy periods

  • Skin darkening

  • Hirsutism (facial hair)

Ideally, the ratio of Leutinizing Hormone (LH) to Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is 1 and 2. However, the production of LH can be higher in PCOS. When there is more Leutinizing hormone, it can affect the process of the ovary releasing an egg. This delays your periods.

Of course, there are many treatment options for PCOS like the usage of birth control pills and other tablets. While these might help for some time, they could have long-lasting side effects. But, seed cycling is a natural way of improving hormone balance, which helps with regularizing periods for some women.

What is Seed Cycling?

Seed cycling is a naturopathic way of using different seeds to manage your hormones. Although there is no scientific basis for seed cycling, some people find it helpful. I'll share the limitations and anecdotal benefits with you. Before that, let's see what a seed cycling chart looks like.

Seed Cycling Chart

  • Day 1 to 14 of the menstrual cycle (Follicular Phase): Eat 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed or pumpkin seeds.

seed cycling chart, seed cycling for periods, pumpkin seeds

  • Day 15-28 of the menstrual cycle (Luteal Phase): Eat 1-2 tablespoons of sesame/sunflower seeds.

Sesame seeds, seed cycling, PCOS, does seed cycling work

If your cycles are irregular, you can use the moon cycle to guide you.

Normally, estrogen levels are higher in the first phase, while progesterone levels are higher in the second phase. Eating these seeds at specific times of your menstrual cycle can help with hormonal balance. 

Flaxseeds and sesame seeds contain substances known as phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). When we eat phytoestrogens, it can increase or reduce estrogen levels. Think of it as a way to balance estrogen levels in our body.

Pumpkin seeds on the other hand are good sources of zinc. Zinc could support progesterone production and prepare for the next phase of your menstrual cycle.

Vitamin E is an important nutrient for fertility and progesterone levels. Additionally, sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an excellent anti-oxidant and can reduce inflammation.

Benefits of Seed Cycling:

It is said that seed cycling helps with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), reducing symptoms of PCOS and improving fertility in women.

 benefits of seed cycling, PMS, PCOS and fertility in women

Does Seed Cycling work?

One of the richest sources of plant lignans are flaxseed and sesame seed. The gut microbes convert these plant lignans to enterolactone.

Flaxseeds, seed cycling, flaxseed benefits, flaxseed recipes, flaxseed for hormone balance

This is the mammalian form of lignan which can mimic the estrogen hormone in our body. This is a major reason for recommending flaxseeds to get regular periods and improve hormonal health.

These lignans reduce the level of available testosterone. Furthermore, these plant lignans lower the risk of developing cancer (1). In a recent study (2), women ate flaxseed for 3 menstrual cycles. There was no change in the concentration of estradiol levels when compared to control subjects (women who did not eat flaxseed).

In 2006, a randomized control trial (RCT) in 24 post-menopausal women, who consumed 50g of sesame powder for 5 weeks. Eating sesame seeds increased sex hormone status and proved to be beneficial (3). Although sesame seeds were beneficial, taking large amounts of seeds (50g/day) may not be practically possible.

PCOS and Seed Cycling: Does it help?

In 2023, a study assessed the effect of seed cycling on women with PCOS. The results showed that seed cycling helped women with PCOS since it reduced LH (Luteinizing Hormone) levels. High levels of luteinizing hormones mean that there is no ovulation.

Interestingly, these women also changed their diet and lifestyle (4). It is, therefore, difficult to understand if the result was only due to eating the seeds. Did the diet and lifestyle changes also play a role? We know many women with PCOS benefit from changing their eating habits and exercising regularly.

Weight loss

Losing weight can help in improving overall health and regularizing menstrual period. Additionally, weight loss improves insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity is an underlying cause of PCOS for most women. However, losing weight too fast can affect your health. A sustainable weight loss will help you lose fat and improve your hormonal imbalance.

Higher levels of thyroid hormones (TSH) due to hypothyroidism can also cause irregular periods. Some women with hypothyroidism also try seed cycling. It is important to know that flaxseeds can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones and may not suit everyone.

However, you can add other seeds to your diet since they provide good nutrients. Selenium in particular is a crucial micronutrient for the thyroid gland.

Side effects of Seed Cycling:

Many women try seed cycling for their periods. Although some people see some benefits with seed cycling, it is not for everyone. Including more seeds (15-20g) suddenly, causes digestive issues, especially if you are on a low-fiber diet. You may have gut health issues such as bloating, constipation or stomach upset.

It would also be good to increase your water intake slowly when you start eating these seeds. If you'd like to try seed cycling, start with small amounts of seeds like 1 teaspoon a day. Gradually increase the quantity if it suits you.

How to add Seeds to your diet?

You can get cold-pressed milled seeds for seed cycling. 

Sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds: dry roast and store in air-tight jars. It is best to keep the jars in colder places or refrigerate them.

You can eat them with fruits, add them to your breakfast cereals like granola, or sprinkle them on vegetables.

Storing roasted flaxseed in a glass container

The nutrients in flaxseed are best absorbed when they are ground. Flaxseed can be dry-roasted, powdered, and stored in a refrigerator. It can be added to chapatis, used to make chutney powder, or mixed into cereals. You can also make flax eggs as a vegan egg substitute for baking.


There is no scientific evidence that seed cycling improves women's health (especially with hormonal imbalances such as PCOS or to regulate periods). However, adding seeds to your diet is good for your health. Seeds provide nutrients such as fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and selenium.

Going gluten-free or dairy-free is not always the solution to poly cystic ovarian syndrome. If you have gut-related issues or food intolerance, please talk to a nutritionist before adding new foods to your diet. Have you tried seed cycling? Tell me about your experience in the comments.


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