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  • Meenu Balaji

How to Start a Nutrition Private Practice in India: 5 Points to Consider

Updated: Jul 1

Would you like to know how to start a Nutrition private practice in India? I was exactly where you are, 8 years ago. I wasn't sure of what to do and how things would turn out. To look back and see how far I have come, is surreal.

Do you feel like you don't know where to start. From my interactions with hundreds of health professionals, many feel the same. So you are not alone. Here are 5 important points you should consider before you start a private practice:

1. Understand your purpose:

Know your why. Why did you choose this profession? Is it to help people become more healthy, or is it just another job? Although, there is nothing wrong with a job to earn more income.

However, I would suggest you start your practice only if you are passionate about your work. Because, this takes a lot of time and effort from your end. So get into private practice, only if you are truly committed.

How to start a private practice in India as a Nutritionist

2. Does your nutrition practice offer a solution?

What is the service that you are offering your clients? Does this service help solve an existing issue or fulfil a need? Do a market research to get an idea of what people need. Design your private practice in such a way that it fills a gap. There are plenty of health and wellness experts. So doing this research and tailoring your services, will make you stand out from the crowd.

3. When is the Best time to Start?

You might postpone starting your private practice, waiting for the right time. Often, it is because you don't have enough time due to your work, or you don't have the right guidance. But let me tell you, the right time is now. Even if you are doing a full-time job, spending 3-4 hours a week is all you need to start your private practice.

4. Experience and Skills

You have done your Masters in Nutrition, which gives you the foundation for your private practice. It helps a lot if you have 1-2 of experience working as a nutritionist.

Also, there are many online courses that you can sign up for. This will hone your skills with practical knowledge and the latest findings in nutrition.

Whether you want to specialize in weight loss, sports nutrition, gut health or hormonal health, there are several courses you could choose from. Choosing a specialization, gives you authority in that field and helps you stand out among your peers.

5. Commitment to your Nutrition Practice:

The last and most important point is commitment. Are you committed to seeing your vision through? You might feel like you are takin a giant leap. Yes you are! You will also grow as an individual and a professional in this journey. Are you ready for it?

Starting a private practice could be demanding and need you to multi-task. So why not join our online course? This will give you expert insights, real world experience and the support that you need at every step in starting your practice as a Nutritionist.

Tell me in the comments as to which point helped you the most.


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