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  • Meenu Balaji

7 Gluten-free, Vegan Breakfast recipes

Updated: Jun 28

A gluten-free breakfast focuses on naturally gluten-free options and gluten-free substitutes. It is a safe and nutritious choice for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Starting your day with a good breakfast sets the tone for your productivity throughout the day. These 7 Gluten-free, vegan 🌱 breakfast options are wonderful choices since they are packed with protein, fiber and other essential nutrients.

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7 Gluten-free Vegan Breakfast Recipes:

1. Almond flour pancakes

Almond flour pancakes are a delightful substitute for traditional pancakes. They are great choices if you are looking for a gluten-free vegan breakfast recipes. Instead of wheat flour, these pancakes are made of almond flour, which gives a rich nutty flavour.

Almond flour pancakes

Almond flour pancakes offer several health benefits:

1. Nutrient-Rich: Almond flour is packed with nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber, which are essential for overall health.

2. Low in Carbs: Almond flour is lower in carbohydrates compared to traditional wheat flour, making it a suitable choice for those following low-carb or keto diets.

3. Gluten-Free: Almond flour is naturally gluten-free, making it an excellent option for people with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

4. Blood Sugar Control: Almond flour has a lower glycemic index, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of blood sugar spikes.

5. Heart-Healthy Fats: Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known to promote heart health by reducing bad cholesterol levels.

6. Satiety: The combination of healthy fats and fiber in almond flour can help you feel fuller for longer, potentially aiding in weight management.

7. Nutrient-Dense Toppings: Pair almond flour pancakes with fresh fruits, yogurt, or nuts for added vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

While almond flour pancakes have these benefits, it's important to enjoy them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Who doesn’t love pancakes for breakfast? Try this healthier version made from almond flour. Adding almond flour makes the pancakes even more delicious.


  1. Almond flour -1 cup

  2. Eggs- 2

  3. Milk/ almond milk -1 cup

  4. Baking powder -1/2 tsp

  5. Salt -a pinch

  6. Cinnamon powder - a pinch (optional)

  7. Oil -1 tsp


  • Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl, until there are no lumps.

  • Allow it to rest for 5 minutes.

  • Heat a light buttered griddle or frying pan.

  • Now pour the batter on a medium heat.

  • Brown on both the sides and serve with fruit toppings.

2. Home-made gluten-free granola

Granola with berries

I prefer using my home made granola mix to the store bought ones. I usually prep this with my kids. We try different ingredients each time and it gives a space for my kid to explore tastes and textures.

Try this homemade granola recipe and you’ll love it. You can serve this with oat milk and seasonal fruits for breakfast or with coconut yoghurt for an evening snack.  


  • Gluten-free Oats - 1/2 cup

  • Honey/Maple syrup -1/4 cup (adjust to your taste)

  • Dry fruits

  • Nuts

  • Coconut flakes

  • Seeds - pumpkin/sunflower

  • Oil - 1tbsp


  • Preheat the oven to 300F

  • Blend the oil and honey and then add in oats and other dry ingredients to get an even coating. Do not add the dry fruits now.

  • Line the baking tray with a parchment paper

  • Spread the mixture evenly on the tray and bake for 15-20 minutes.

  • Stir the mixture halfway through baking.

  • The granola is ready when it is golden brown.

  • Remove the tray from the oven, add the dry fruits and allow it to cool to room temperature.

  • Transfer to an airtight container and store for about 20-25 days.

Home made gluten-free granola recipe

When making granola at home, you can choose ingredients that suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Here’s a basic guide to selecting ingredients for homemade granola:

  1. Rolled Oats: These are the main ingredient and provide the bulk of your granola.

2. Healthy Fats:

Oil: Use a healthy oil like coconut oil or olive oil to help with the granola’s crispiness.

3. Flavorings:

Vanilla Extract: Adds a pleasant flavour.

Spices: Cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom can enhance the taste.

4. Nuts and Seeds:

Almonds, walnuts, pecans, or seeds like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, or flaxseeds can add crunch and nutrition.

5. Dried Fruits:

Add sweetness and variety with dried fruits like raisins, cranberries, apricots, or dates. Chop them into smaller pieces.

6.Extras (Optional):

Chocolate chips, shredded coconut, or cocoa nibs for added indulgence.

3. Avocado toast on Sourdough Bread:

This is a must have in your collection of gluten-free, vegan breakfast recipes. Creamy, ripe avocado slices generously spread on top of toasted sourdough bread. The buttery green flesh of the avocado contrasts beautifully with the golden, crisp surface of the bread.

A sprinkle of flaky sea salt enhances the avocado's natural flavors. A drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil adds healthy fats to absorb fat soluble vitamins. This delightful pairing creates a harmonious blend of textures and tastes. Hence, it is a popular choice for a wholesome and satisfying breakfast option.

Avocado on Sourdough bread toast

Here's a simple recipe for avocado on sourdough toast:


  • 2 slices of sourdough bread

  • 1 ripe avocado

  • Extra-virgin olive oil

  • Flaky sea salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper (optional)

  • Red pepper flakes (optional)

  • Lemon juice (optional)


1. Toast the Bread:

- Toast the sourdough bread slices to your preferred level of crispiness. You can use a toaster or a grill pan for this step.

2. Prepare the Avocado:

- Cut the ripe avocado in half, remove the pit, and scoop the flesh into a bowl.

3. Mash the Avocado:

- Use a fork to mash the avocado until it reaches your desired level of creaminess. You can leave it slightly chunky for added texture.

4. Season the Avocado:

- Drizzle a bit of extra-virgin olive oil over the mashed avocado. This will enhance its creaminess.

- Sprinkle a pinch of flaky sea salt over the avocado. Adjust the amount to taste.

- Optionally, add a dash of freshly ground black pepper and red pepper flakes for a hint of heat.

- For a touch of zesty freshness, you can squeeze a bit of lemon juice over the avocado.

5. Assemble the Toast:

- Spread the seasoned mashed avocado evenly over the toasted sourdough slices.

6. Serve and Enjoy:

Your avocado on sourdough toast is ready to be enjoyed! You can garnish it with additional toppings like sliced cherry tomatoes, radishes, poached eggs, or microgreens for extra flavor and presentation.

This simple recipe makes for a delicious and nutritious breakfast or snack. Feel free to customize it with your favorite toppings and seasonings to suit your taste preferences.

Sourdough bread offers several potential health benefits:

1. Easier Digestibility: The fermentation process involved in making sourdough breaks down some of the gluten and phytic acid present in wheat, making it easier to digest for some individuals with mild gluten sensitivities.

2. Lower Glycemic Index: Sourdough has a lower glycemic index compared to many other types of bread. This can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of blood sugar spikes.

3. Improved Nutrient Absorption: The fermentation process also increases the availability of certain nutrients, such as B vitamins and minerals like magnesium and zinc, making them more accessible for absorption.

4. Probiotic Potential: Sourdough is made through the natural fermentation of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria. While most probiotics are destroyed during baking, some beneficial bacteria might survive, potentially contributing to improving gut health.

5. Reduced Phytic Acid: Phytic acid can interfere with the absorption of minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc. Sourdough's fermentation process can help reduce phytic acid levels, improving mineral absorption.

6. Longer Shelf Life: Sourdough's acidity can inhibit the growth of mold and bacteria, giving it a longer shelf life without the need for added preservatives.

7. Distinct Flavor and Texture: Many people appreciate the unique tangy flavor and chewy texture of sourdough bread, making it a satisfying and enjoyable choice.

It's worth noting that the exact health benefits can vary depending on the specific recipe and fermentation process used. Additionally, for those with celiac disease or severe gluten intolerance you should avoid sourdough bread made with traditional wheat flour, as it does contain gluten.

4. Omega-3 rich Chia seed pudding recipe

Chia seed pudding is a delightful, healthy recipe which is well known for its various health benefits. Chia seed is a wonderful source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. This recipe is a good source of protein too.

It also gives you some amount of calcium, which is important especially of you are a vegan or vegetarian. The soluble fiber present in chia seeds can help lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Chia seeds play a significant role in improving heart health and aiding in weight management, thanks to their unique nutritional profile:

Heart Health Benefits:

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia seeds are one of the richest plant-based sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3s are known for their ability to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease.

2. Lowering Cholesterol: Chia seeds may help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood. The soluble fiber in chia seeds forms a gel-like substance when mixed with liquids, which can bind to cholesterol and help flush it out of the body.

3. Blood Pressure Regulation: Chia seeds contain potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. Maintaining healthy blood pressure levels is crucial for heart health.

4. Antioxidants: Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Weight Management Benefits:

1. Balanced Blood Sugar: The soluble fiber in chia seeds helps stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This can prevent energy spikes and crashes, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking.

2. Healthy Fats: Chia seeds contain a good balance of healthy fats, including omega-3s and omega-6s. These fats can support overall health and metabolism, contributing to weight management.

3. Nutrient Density: Despite their small size, chia seeds are packed with essential nutrients like fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. When included in a balanced diet, they can provide valuable nutrients while helping to control calorie intake.

To reap the heart health and weight management benefits of chia seeds, consider adding them to your diet in various ways.

You can sprinkle them on yogurt, blend them into smoothies, use them as an egg substitute in baking, or make chia seed puddings.


This quick to make chia seed pudding makes for a satisfying breakfast or healthy snack.

 chia seed pudding with milk banana and grated chocolate
Chia seed pudding


  1. 2 tbsp Chia seeds

  2. Low-fat coconut yoghurt/milk

  3. 2-3 dates

  4. 1 tsp chopped nuts (almond, walnuts)

  5. Fruit slices (apple/banana/berries)


  • Take chia seeds and mix with low-fat yoghurt/milk.

  • Let it soak for a few minutes.

  • To this add fruit slices + dates.

You could use any milk like almond milk, oat milk or coconut milk. This would be a good substitute if you are lactose intolerant. I prefer using Greek yogurt since it has lesser lactose than other types of yogurt.

You can customize the toppings using seasonal fruits, seeds or a drizzle of chocolate. If you have a busy morning, prepare this chia seed pudding overnight. In the morning top it with fresh fruits or nuts for a delightful breakfast.

5. Oats Porridge

Oats, often considered a breakfast staple, offer a plethora of health benefits that extend far beyond the morning meal. Rich in soluble fiber, they help lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. Oats has a low glycemic index. Therefore, it provides a steady release of energy, managing blood sugar levels. This is an ideal choice for a gluten-free, vegan breakfast recipe.

Their abundance of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants supports overall well-being and boosts the immune system. Additionally, oats are a valuable ally in weight management, promoting feelings of fullness and aiding in healthy digestion.

Incorporating oats into your diet is a versatile and delicious way to enhance your health and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Oats porridge is a comforting recipe prepared from cooking oats with milk. It has a starchy texture, remember its from the goodness of fiber.

Oats porridge also makes for a good pre-workout meal choice, because of the combination of carbohydrates and protein. Plus, it is low in fat. Oats is a great source of beta-glucan, that feeds the good microbiota in your gut, and therefore is a prebiotic. It also helps to reduce high cholesterol levels (1). Start your day with a heart healthy oats porridge.

A bowl of oats porridge
Oats porridge


  1. Rolled gluten-free oats

  2. Plant-based milk

  3. Fruit slices (any seasonal fruit)

  4. 2 tsp chopped nuts and dates


  • Boil rolled oats in water

  • Once it is cooked, add milk to the required consistency.

  • Add the fruit slices, finely chopped nuts and dates before serving.

Instead of using honey or maple syrup, I'd like to use fresh fruits or dates. This makes sure that I also get fiber from these foods.

6. Protein-rich moong dal Dosa

Do you like eating carbs for breakfast? You might often feel hungry if you eat only simple carbs like bread toast or idli with chutney in the morning. Adding a source of protein keeps you full longer and gives you an energetic start to the day.

Eating a protein-rich breakfast also offers another advantage to you. It helps to burn more calories, due to the thermic effect of proteins. Green moong beans, also known as mung beans, offer a range of health benefits that make them a valuable addition to your diet. These benefits include:

1. Rich in Nutrients: Green moong beans are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. They provide a good source of protein, fiber, folate, iron, and potassium, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

2. Weight Management: Their high fiber and protein content help promote a feeling of fullness, reducing the tendency to overeat. This can be beneficial for weight management and managing your appetite.

3. Digestive Health: Green moong beans are easy to digest and can aid in promoting a healthy digestive system. The fiber in these beans supports regular bowel movements and may alleviate digestive issues.

4. Heart Health: They are low in cholesterol and saturated fats, which can contribute to improved heart health. Additionally, the potassium content in green moong beans helps regulate blood pressure.

5. Antioxidant Properties: These beans contain various antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

6. Blood Sugar Control: The complex carbohydrates in green moong beans are slowly digested and can help stabilize blood sugar levels. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those looking to maintain consistent energy levels.

7. Nutrient Absorption: Green moong beans contain nutrients like iron, which is better absorbed when consumed with vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits. This can enhance overall nutrient absorption in the body.

8. Versatility in Cooking: Green moong beans are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, salads, and even as sprouts. This versatility allows you to enjoy their health benefits in numerous culinary creations.

Incorporating green moong beans into your diet can be a wholesome and nutritious choice. Whether you enjoy them as a side dish, in a hearty soup, or as a sprouted addition to salads, these beans offer a wide range of health advantages that contribute to your overall well-being.

It also contains flavonoids, an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation in your body by protecting against free radical damage. This moong dal dosa is a healthier alternative to the regular dosa that you eat for breakfast.

Moong dal dosa


  1. 1 cup Whole moong

  2. 1 large Onion

  3. 1-2 Green chilli

  4. 1 inch ginger

  5. 1 tsp Jeera seeds

  6. 1/4 cup Grated vegetables (carrot/cabbage)


  • Soak moong for 2-3 hours

  • Grind it with green chilli, ginger and jeera seeds

  • Add salt, chopped onions, vegetables and coriander leaves.

  • Add water to adjust the consistency of the batter

  • Make thin dosa on the tawa and serve with chutney.

7. Masala oats

Masala oats is a flavorful, Indian dish that blends oats with traditional Indian spices and vegetables. It is also packed with dietary fiber and vital nutrients that make it a wholesome breakfast option.

Masala oats recipe
Masala oats


  1. Rolled Gluten-free oats

  2. Chopped vegetables (carrot/beans/peas)

  3. Chopped onion and garlic

  4. Green chilli (optional)

  5. A pinch or two of powdered pepper.


  • Sauté onion, garlic, and green chillies in a pan.

  • Add vegetables of your choice (carrot, beans, peas) and cook them.

  • Now, add the oats and water, and let it boil.

  • Adjust the quantity of water if needed.

  • Once cooked, add a pinch of pepper, and finely chopped coriander and serve.

If you want to improve your gut health, book a free initial consultation with us to understand how our nutrition plans can help you.


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