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  • Meenu Balaji

Eggs and Cholesterol: How many Eggs can I eat a Day?

Updated: Jun 28

When I started my nutrition practice 10 years ago, suggesting clients to eat only egg whites was the norm in the industry. The logic behind that was since eggs contain cholesterol, the excess cholesterol intake can increase the LDL cholesterol in blood which in turn can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


However the majority of the cholesterol in the body is synthesized by the liver. It is not influenced by dietary cholesterol but by saturated and trans fats.

Additionally cholesterol performs several important functions in the body from making cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and production of bile acids (excretion of fats). In fact 25% of body's total cholesterol is found in our brain.

Eggs, Cholesterol and heart disease:

Studies show that the cholesterol that we get from foods does not increase the risk of heart disease.

Eggs-nutrition facts

Eggs provide a whole range of nutrients like Vitamin A (skin health and vision), Vitamin D (bone health) , choline (supports brain development of the fetus), lutein and zeaxanthin (reduce the risk of cataract).

Egg, Nutrition facts, source of  protein, iron, biotin, vitamin D, lutein, zeaxanthin, antioxidants, choline

Take away:

An egg a day as part of a balanced diet is definitely good for health. So get the eggs cracking.

Choline and endurance

Did you know that CHOLINE is important for brain function, nervous system, metabolism and for your liver? ⠀

Choline for endurance athletes, eggs sources of choline

Endurance athletes are at risk for choline deficiency, since choline levels reduce during long duration sport like marathon or triathlon. ⠀

What is choline?⠀

✨Choline is a nutrient that is grouped along with B vitamins. ⠀

✨Choline is the precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which is involved in muscle contraction. ⠀

✨It helps to delay fatigue in endurance athletes.⠀

❗️Early symptoms of choline deficiency could be mid-training fatigue, unusual post-workout soreness. ⠀

  1. Choline is essential for skeletal muscle protein.

  2. A long-term choline insufficient diet can reduce muscle protein content which impairs muscle growth.

  3. Adequate choline intake, on the other hand, improves mitochondrial energy metabolism and lipid metabolism.

There is insufficient evidence to determine the Reference dietary intake (RDI) for choline. However, the adequate intake (AI) is set as ⠀

Men: 550 mg/day ⠀

Women: 425 mg/day⠀

✨Two eggs can provide nearly 50% of your daily choline requirement. ⠀

Breakfast recipes:

A balanced breakfast keeps you energized throughout the day. Pairing carbs and protein gives you a nutritious meal. Carbs fuel your brain and protein keeps you full until the next meal.

Poached eggs, portbello mushrooms and toasted bread

Poached eggs do not need any added fat and are therefore lighter on your tummy. Portobello mushrooms are a good source of stable antioxidants and considered to lower the risk of cancer. It can be used as a meat substitute since it's a plant protein source. It also contains vitamin D.

Nutrition tip:

Did you know that exposing mushroom to sunlight for 60 minutes can increase its vitamin D content?

Check out this egg and broccoli salad recipe, if you want to try some new flavor combinations.

Broccoli and egg salad

I was a little apprehensive to try this combo, but I was quiet surprised. This simple salad is protein rich and can be served both hot or cold. You can pack this for your lunch or have it for dinner.

Broccoli egg salad

Here are some Food facts:

Broccoli, is a good source of plant protein and it also provides Calcium, Nitrates and Vitamin C.

There are several studies on the ergogenic effects of nitrates present in beetroot juice. The nitrate content in broccoli is relatively low compared to other green vegetables, and there aren’t extensive studies to demonstrate the benefits of consuming nitrates from broccoli.

Broccoli  benefits for athletes

Calcium is required for bone health and muscle contraction. Athletes can also lose calcium through sweat, so they have to ensure that they consume 1200-1500mg per day. Broccoli contains 33mg of calcium per 1/2 cup, but only 20 mg is available for absorption. To get the same amount of bioavailable calcium in a glass of milk, you need to consume two and a half cups of broccoli.

Plant sources of calcium- almonds, broccoli and fortified breakfast cereal

  • Broccoli - 1 cup

  • Boiled and diced egg - 2

  • Garlic - 3/4 cloves

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Saute garlic in oil until it is translucent.

  • Add broccoli florets and continue sautéing until crisp and cooked.

  • Add cubed eggs, salt and pepper.

  • You can also add lemon mustard dressing before you serve the salad.


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