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  • Meenu Balaji

Cold Pressed Coconut Oil: Health benefits

Updated: Jul 12

Cold-pressed coconut oil is gathering more attention nowadays. This is because cold-pressed oil is not refined with chemicals. Therefore, it has many health benefits. However, coconut oil is also high in saturated fats (a fat found in animal foods and often linked with heart diseases). Does it sound confusing? I'll break it down for you.

Top 3 Health benefits of coconut oil, coconut oil type of fat

Brief history:

Coconut oil has been used in several countries like India, Polynesia and the Philippines (1). It is a part of their traditional cuisine. Some studies show both regular and virgin coconut oil is good for heart health (2,3). Coconut oil is also a wonderful vegan alternative to butter and dairy products.

There are many health benefits of coconut oil. This ranges from improving HDL (good cholesterol) to weight loss and managing blood sugar levels. However, is it true? I'll break it down for you.

Coconut oil nutrition facts, fat content

Nutrition facts (another name for nerdy stuff 🙃)

Being an oil, it is no surprise that coconut oil is entirely made up of fat, and 80% of the fat is made of saturated fatty acids. What makes this saturated fat in coconut oil unique, is its composition. It is made of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), called Lauric, Caprylic and Caproic acid. However recent studies also show that lauric acid can behave like long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) too (4) and increase bad cholesterol (5).

The saturated fatty acids in other foods (fish, butter, nuts and seeds) are long-chain. However, the MCTs in coconut oil can be easily used for energy production, unlike the long-chain fatty acids. It goes directly to your liver to produce energy or is converted into ketones, a good fuel source for your brain. Since it is readily used for energy, MCTs are not stored in your body as excess fat (Hint: weight loss). This is why MCTs and coconut oil are used in the keto diet (5). Also, the long-chain fatty acids from animal foods like butter may cause inflammation (6). Such inflammation can act as a risk factor for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Hence, you should limit eating animal fats such as butter, cheese and margarine.

When it comes to plant-based oil like coconut oil, it also contains Vitamin E, an antioxidant. It supports your immune system and also gives you healthy skin.

Coconut Oil Benefits:

For many years, coconut oil was considered to be unhealthy due to its high saturated fatty acid content and believed to cause heart disease by increasing cholesterol levels.

Studies from early 2000 started exploring the benefits of MCTs and thus began the resurgence of coconut oil as a superfood. I don’t believe in giving superpowers to food, because it depends on how and how often you eat it. Often, the media shares eye-grabbing headlines about the benefits of certain foods. However, they highlight only one part of the research or report the results of observational studies. In this functional foods section, I would like to analyse the foods case-by-case based on their nutritive facts and provide scientific evidence for their health benefits. There are many health benefits of cold-pressed coconut oil. We will investigate some of them here🔬.

1. Heart health:

A recent study (8) reported that coconut oil significantly increased HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) compared to butter and olive oil, in participants consuming 50g of Virgin coconut oil or olive oil or unsalted butter daily for 4 weeks.

A review published in 2019, showed that coconut oil increased the levels of both LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL cholesterol and therefore should be consumed according to the suggested daily intake. Cold-pressed coconut oil also supports heart health by managing cholesterol levels naturally.

2. Weight Control:

This is the most popular health claim of them all. Most studies associating weight loss as a health benefit of consuming coconut oil are just quoting the research done on MCTs.

coconut oil health benefits, ketogenic diet, weight control, coconut oil for hair, immunity, belly fat

Looking into several studies, we can be sure that the results with coconut oil are not consistent in weight loss. There is a need for further research for any conclusive evidence. A review article found that coconut oil cannot aid in weight loss by increasing satiety or thermogenesis.

3. Strong Immunity:

Cold-pressed coconut oil has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties. This supports your immune system. Animal studies show that cold-pressed coconut oil can improve the anti-oxidant status and immunity. It can also reduce the growth of harmful micro-organisms (9).

4. Glowing Skin and Hair:

Use cold-pressed coconut oil for healthy skin and nourishing hair, promoting a healthy appearance.

5. Ayurvedic Tradition:

The health benefits of cold-pressed coconut oil are rooted in traditional Ayurvedic practices. It has been used in Ayurveda for more than 4000 years (10).


Coconut oil vs. cold-pressed Coconut Oil:

You should know the difference between virgin coconut oil and cold-pressed coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil is made from fresh coconut meat without high heat or chemicals, retaining its natural flavour. Cold-pressed coconut oil, on the other hand, is extracted at low temperatures to preserve nutrients. Both oils offer health benefits like heart health support, immunity boosting, and skincare benefits.

Is Virgin Coconut Oil Good for Cooking?

You can use virgin coconut oil for its taste in cooking. But cold-pressed coconut oil is valued for its nutrients in skincare. Whether you use virgin or cold-pressed coconut oil, both can help improve your health and well-being.

cold pressed coconut oil health benefits, virgin coconut oil

Can coconut oil reduce stomach fat?

Regarding the effectiveness in reducing belly fat, the results are mixed. A group of women (20-40 years) were supplemented with coconut oil for 12 weeks. They showed an increase in HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL: HDL, plus a reduction in BMI and waist circumference in a study published in 2009.

However, the results from other studies do not show similar promising results for fat loss in the belly. It could also be due to many other related factors.

How much coconut oil is ok every day?

You can safely consume coconut oil up to 1-2 tablespoons daily. However, it is better to limit it based on your health goals. Also, remember to balance it with other fats in your diet for optimal health benefits.

We need long-term studies to clarify the inconsistencies reported on the health benefits of coconut oil. You can still enjoy the benefits of coconut oil by consuming it in moderation.

Some of the ways are:

Coconut oil has a high smoking point. Therefore, it is a great option for frying foods. Unlike other plant oils, most of the fatty acid in coconut oil is saturated fat. Hence, it is solid and doesn't oxidise easily.

Coconut oil is a wonderful vegan substitute for butter. You can also use it for baking purposes, replacing it one part for one.

  1. Pre-Workout Energy Boost: Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil before your workout can provide quick energy due to MCTs. Add it to your smoothies, or oats, or spread it on whole-grain toast.

  2. Post-Workout Recovery: Coconut oil's anti-inflammatory properties can aid in muscle recovery post-exercise. Use it in a stir-fry with lean protein and vegetables.

coconut oil for workout, pre workout, MCTs

Meal ideas for a Coconut-oil based diet:

  1. Breakfast: Make coconut oil-infused vegetable upma or poha for a nutritious and filling start to your day. Add half a teaspoon of coconut oil to your morning chai or coffee.

  2. Lunch: Prepare a coconut oil-based curry with lean protein like chicken or chickpeas. Pair it with brown rice or whole wheat roti for a balanced meal. This would keep you energized longer.

  3. Dinner: Enjoy a light and flavorful coconut oil-based stir-fry with mixed vegetables and tofu or paneer. Serve it with quinoa or millet for a wholesome dinner option.

  4. Snacks: Roast chickpeas or nuts using coconut oil. Then add your favourite spices for a crunchy and satisfying snack between meals.


  1. Most of the hyped-up claims about Coconut oil are from the studies performed on medium-chain triglycerides. So, it is unclear how much can be due to coconut oil.

  2. The epidemiological studies on people using coconut oil regularly, showing a reduced risk of heart disease could be because of other factors in their diet. For example, the state of Kerala in India is a tropical coast. Here, people eat plenty of fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They also eat good amounts of fruits and vegetables. So it could be a combined effect of omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fibre and coconut oil.

  3. Despite the health benefits, coconut oil should be considered a saturated fat (11). Therefore, it can't be taken more than 10% of your daily calorie intake (USDA). #weightloss #diet #fatloss


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